Health-focused creative director + storyteller
Nice to meet you, I’m Tasia (say it like TAH-zee-yuh)
I’m an award-winning creative director with experience in the oncology, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, Parkinson’s, aesthetics, vaccine, biomedical device, gene therapy, and rare disease spaces. I’ve taken clients large and small through Day 1 creative approvals, campaign launches of all sizes and levels of complexity, TV productions, naming and branding initiatives, social campaigns, program launches, every stage of website development, and beyond in both the US and globally. My current focus is on 360° healthcare communications.
While I’m proud of all my work, I’m on a personal mission to forge better health experiences and overall support for patients. As a person living with a chronic autoimmune disorder, I bring a deep empathy for what it means to be diagnosed and live with a long-term illness because I've been there and live it every day. I want all patients and their care partners to feel seen, heard and advocated for on their treatment journeys.
I’m currently based in New York, with my cats, Morpheus and Leia. I’m not at work, I love (poorly) making ceramics, pescatarian cooking, and learning new styles of dance.
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